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Corrosion in Multiphase Environments
Many service applications involve the exposure to multiphase environments that contain produced, process or condensed water in combination with hydrocarbon liquid and dissolved gases such as H2S, CO2, O2 and other species. Under such conditions, many factors must be considered when assessing the system corrosivity. These include environmental parameters such as partial pressure of the acid gases, temperature, chloride content and the amount of buffering salts in solution. They indicate the corro...

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Oxidation Resistance
Many service applications involve the exposure to multiphase environments that contain produced, process or condensed water in combination with hydrocarbon liquid and dissolved gases such as H2S, CO2, O2 and other species. Under such conditions, many factors must be considered when assessing the system corrosivity. These include environmental parameters such as partial pressure of the acid gases, temperature, chloride content and the amount of buffering salts in solution. They indicate the corro...

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Combatting Liquid Metal Attack by Mercury in Ethylene and Cryogenic Gas PlantsTask 1 - Non-Destructi...
Presented herein are the results from the Task 1 nondestructive testing studies conducted under the a research program entitled, "Combatting Liquid Metal Attack of Aluminum Alloys by Mercury in Ethylene and Cryogenic Gas Plants". This program was organized and conducted by CLI International, Inc., under industrial multiclient support. The goal of the program was to develop preventative and remedial measures and detection and monitoring methods for mercury (Hg) attack of Al-alloys commonly used i...

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Geometry of Exposure
One of the factors that can have a great impact on corrosion severity is the geometry of the service application. Obvious cases are those involving crevices, seams, laps and welds where the formation of an occluded cell can result in differences between local and bulk solutions. Other factors such as hot wall effects can also complicate service conditions. In some cases, the whole service condition may bring together somewhat unique combinations of solution and geometric variables which can not ...

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