This series in Hot Topics details the study of fourteen alloys from the groups of martensitic (MSS), precipitation hardened (PHSS), and duplex (DSS) stainless steels. These alloys were exposed to simulated petroleum production environments containing H2S, CO2, chloride and bicarbonate to produce a range of conditions.
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Engineering Database on Galvanic Corrosion in Oil and Gas Production
This report presents quantitative results for galvanic corrosion on stainless steel alloys 4130, 420, 2205, 9Cr and Inconel 718 under four different environments in oil and gas production. The different environments are Sweet Well Production Fluid, Sour Well Production Fluid, Packer Fluid and Acidizing Fluid. Each environment was designed to simulate conditions in which production equipment contacts a corrosive medium.
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A Field Study of Microbiological Growth and Reservoir Souring
The souring of normally sweet production systems is a significant problem which can have implications to continued oilfield operations. Such problems are commonly approached by gathering of field sample and laboratory analysis or by simple test kits. This series in Hot Topics describes an alternative approach which includes the use of specialized field sampling and analysis procedures and portable equipment that can be moved from site to site. The current article provides an overview and introdu...
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Corrosion of Steel Alloys in CO2 Environments
This report describes an experimental program to evaluate corrosion of carbon steels in CO2 environment. Coupon exposure and electrochemical tests were conducted as a part of the program. The objective of the test program was to determine the corrosion rate of steel exposed to wet CO2 conditions. Test variables were brine chemistry, CO2 partial pressure, temperature, metal alloy and exposure duration.
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Prediction of Corrosion Inhibitor Performance Using Simulated CO2/H2S Environmental Autoclave and Fl...
The hot topic series describes a test program and the result targeted towards evaluating corrosion inhibitor performance in CO2/H2S environments. After preliminary screening of the inhibition characteristics and performance of 5 corrosion inhibitors (designated A,B,C,D & E) under simulated CO2/H2S environment in a high temperature, high pressure flowing autoclave, the best two corrosion inhibitors (corrosion inhibitors A & B) were selected for further flow loop testing under simulated North Sea...
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